
Focus on light and fast scanning with the smartphone.

State-of-the-art AR functionalities.

Georeferenced with RTK accuracy.

Ideal applications

3D scanner
GNSS rover

Stable connection with
the viDoc® Case

GNSS antenna

With our antenna options, we offer maximum flexibility for simple and highly specialized work with corresponding precision precision requirements. Our standard antennas are ideal for in the open field and in conventional cadastral surveying.

GNSS antenna

In rough terrain or in urban areas as well as in engineering precision and reliability are important in engineering surveying. Our performance antenna with calibration measurement offers this even in the < 1 cm range.


at work.

Focus on 3D scanning

Using real-time scanning or photographic post-processing, we offer a very flexible workflow for use on the construction site. The customer decides which method to use depending on the requirements.

Building in existing structures

Capture cables quickly and easily as a 3D reality model, especially in fiber optic expansion, and record them for posterity. Saves time during documentation and provides mass security for all parties involved.

Building and operating as a network operator

Model-based documentation with the actual structural situation offers enormous savings potential in operation and maintenance. On-site documentation becomes much simpler and faster.

Condition assessment due to natural events

The documentation of damage caused by natural events is often associated with high time pressure. With viDoc® light, you can shorten documentation and evacuation planning many times over. Share all data directly with project participants.

Quantity determination

Quantity determinations can be recorded quickly with viDoc® light. Depending on the app solution, various methods are available.

Municipal civil engineering and pipeline construction

Our systems offer a performance solution, especially in inner-city civil engineering and pipeline construction, which is superior to other systems on the market in terms of precision and handling, e.g. dial-up times in the correction data service.

Building with models

Plans will be a thing of the past in the near future. With viDoc® light, you are able to bring plan models directly to the construction site according to task areas. Simple comparisons with the construction target and actual are a central element.

Always a professional solution in your pocket

Always ready with the viDoc® light.
Even in extreme situations, you are ready for action quickly and sustainably.


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